Introduction of Ankara universities


1- Introducing TOBB University

This private university is considered among the universities of industrial design, visual communication, interior and environmental design, architecture and art in Ankara. You can study at this university in the best possible way with specific admission conditions.

Each of the Turkish language proficiency tests is also optional; of course, you must provide a bank receipt related to the deposit of the registration fee, which is 50 dollars, for the conditions of admission. In 2019, this university was able to get the 301st national rank.

TOBB University website address:

2-Introduction of UFUK UNIVERSITY

Ofuk University is a private university in Turkey, established on December 18, 1999, in Ankara. The teaching language of Ofuk University is Turkish. Still, in this university, every student must learn English to pursue studies in their field and benefit from various publications, analyses and the Internet. Ankara Ofuk University currently has six faculties, and students can get admission to all levels of study from this university.

UFUK UNIVERSITY Website address:

3- Introducing the University of Turkish Aeronautical Association

University of Turkish Aeronautical Association is the first university in the fields of aircraft and related sciences that was established in Ankara, Turkey.

The University of Turkish Aeronautical Association, under the supervision of the Turkish Aviation Association (UTAA), specializes in aeronautical science and aircraft.

Turkish Aviation Association University Website address:

4- Introduction of Yuksek Ihtisas University

Yuksek Ihtisas University is a private university in Turkey. This university was established in 1948 to train specialists in the field of medicine.

After that, it started its official activity as a public university by admitting 50 students to the Faculty of Medicine; But in 2016, after withdrawing from the support of the Turkish government, it operated as a private university.

Yuksek Ihtisas University  Website address:

5- Introduction of Ankara Haci Bayram Veli University 

 Haci Bayram Veli University (ASBU) is Turkey's first and only public university in the field of social sciences. This university was established in 2013 in Turkey's capital to advance social sciences research. ASBU is a research-oriented university for undergraduate and graduate studies in Turkey.

Ankara Haci Bayram Veli University website address:

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the private Ankara universities?

Yuksek Ihtisas University- Ufuk University- TOBB University- Baskent University- Atilim University- Bilkent University- Cankaya University.

How many universities are there in Ankara?

Ankara has 19 universities; We discussed in this article the best Ankara universities.


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