The best traditions of Turkey

The custom of giving gifts in Turkey traditions

Turkish people often invite guests to their homes, even if it is just for breakfast or a simple tea; Entering the house with shoes is not customary in Turkey, and instead, you will be given slippers if you are invited for dinner; and make sure you have a big hungry stomach because the people of this country have a habit of filling their guests' plates very much and They do not accept any excuses.

The main meal is usually huge; after that, fruit and nuts are served, followed by Turkish tea and coffee. If you are invited to someone's house for a meal, it is better to go to the kitchen with them and offer to help. Men are also used to being together in the living room at this time and talking about different issues.

If you like to take a gift with you when you go, you should know that it is lovely because giving and receiving gifts is very pleasant in Turkey traditions.

They have a lot in common with Iranian people because these gifts usually include handicrafts, decorative items, traditional and unique clothes, and luxury goods; Also, they have a tradition of giving souvenirs to close relatives when they return from a trip in their culture; and even the elders and leaders of Turkey from the past until now give gifts in business and political meetings.

Wedding ceremony in Turkey

Courtship in Turkey is often done in such a way that a girl and a boy agree to marry; Then, the families get to know each other and decide on the ceremony. Certain customs and beliefs accompany marriage ceremonies in Turkey. For example, when a girl gets married, all her friends write their names inside the wedding shoes, and at the end of the wedding ceremony, if someone's name is erased from inside the shoes,it means she will get married soon.

At the end of the line

In this article on travelling topic, we explained Turkey traditions and the different cultures of Turkish people. Before travelling to Turkey, it is better to get familiar with Turkey traditions, the culture of Turkish people, turkey's cultural capital, and also Turkey’s sight seen places such as Istanbul water parksand Istanbul churches

Turkey traditions are countless, and the reason for that is Turkey's tumultuous history and past. The country of Turkey has hospitable people who show Turky tradition well to people.

Frequently Asked Questions

How are foreigners treated in Turkey?

Turkish people are very hospitable and treat travellers well.

What is the tradition and culture of Turkey?

The Turkey traditions is such that people have close relations with their neighbors, men are the family's leaders, and family members are loyal to each other.


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