Good jobs in Turkey


1-Veterinarians| what are the highest paying jobs in turkey

Observance of animal rights has a particular importance and place in Turkey, and for this reason, veterinary medicine has become one of the money-making jobs in Turkey. But according to Turkish laws, foreigners are not allowed to work in the field of veterinary medicine in this country. In addition to veterinary medicine, other jobs such as midwifery, nursing, diving, and ship crew are prohibited for foreigners in Turkey.

2-Cabin crew and flight attendant

Finding a job and earning enough money is one of the essential restrictions on staying in Turkey. These restrictions are more for women, who should choose jobs with financial and job security. Cabin crew and flight attendants are popular jobs in Turkey for women. This job has a variable salary according to the people's history and the airline company's reputation and history.


To answer the question, what are the highest paying jobs in turkey? We can mention Nutritionist.

Because in recent years, the discussion of health and maintaining weight balance has become very important in all countries of the world, nutritionists in Turkey are among the people with a high income. A nutritionist can work in hospitals and clinics. If you have a private office as a specialist, you will earn more than working in a hospital.

4-Small food buffets

The jobs we talked about up to this part of the article required expertise and a university education. But in Turkey, many jobs earn relatively well without the need to study and pass academic courses.

 Having food and juice buffets, gyms that are only for women, and centres that provide Manicure and pedicure services are among Turkey's most lucrative freelance jobs. Setting up these businesses does not require a lot of capital, and with some knowledge and experience, they earn money.

At the end of the line

We hope that you have become familiar with high-paying and money-making jobs in Turkey and find the answer to the question of what are the highest paying jobs in turkey by reading this article.

If you have expertise in any of these jobs, you can immigrate to Turkey and earn more money. But remember that only Turkish citizens can quickly get work permits. If you want to know how to become a Turkish citizen, and also advantage of turkish citizenship, read the related article.

Source : travelling topic


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